Thanks Nancy. I wondered if I'd get any fdk over here. wink

When I read the original challenge way back when I never thought I'd see an actual story! It just seemed to complicated. It's great that you've decided to tackle this one. I'm loving it so far.
Thanks ultragirl! When I read the challenge I thought it sounded complicated/difficult as well. I told ClarkKentWannaBe (Jensguy) that I was intrigued and hoped someone would take him up on his challenge. Imagine my surprise/grief when he told me I should do it.

I hope I do it justice. I really tried. And I haven't seen him on here in a couple of weeks... now that I'm posting it, he's missing out!

Hmm so what's Tempus' plan here...? What are these Kryptonian diseases or what? Can't wait to find out.
I love all the questions. Glad I'm keeping you guessing. Hopefully you'll still be in the dark for another part or two. rotflol

Well sorry to burst your bubble, but I don't post without my betas, and I like to keep one part in reserve while they're betaing the next part (in case I need to make revisions). So 2-3 days is probably what it's going to be. peep

Look for the next part on Thursday!

Thanks for the fdk!!!

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.