Originally posted by LaraMoon:
Very nice so far.

I hate to say it, though, but.... I'm really getting a strange feeling of deja-vu now. frown

To Be Like Him (part 2)

Or do I just need more sleep? (I was up until 4 AM writing... and I get up at 6 to go to work. eeeep! you do the math. *lol*)

First of all, get a good night sleep. :)I haven't gotten a chance to read your story yet, but I will. I am very new to all of this. I have only recently discovered this site. I have been reading stories on the archive website for several months now. Hopefully, my story and yours are not too similar. I guess great minds think alike. huh

Passing period- is a 5 min. break in Jr. High School for the students to change classes. It is usually very loud, as students go to their lockers, talk to friends, and try to not be late for class.

I'm glad you like my story. I am having a great time writing it!
