She couldn’t live with seeing him every day, knowing that he was searching her for signs of the woman he’d loved and finding her wanting. He would never see Lois Lane as anything more than a pale and cranky shadow of Wanda Detroit, and it was easier for both of them if he realized that now.
This explanation is so characteristic of Lois, especially early Lois, and yet it also makes me want to hit her upside the head. Oh, Lois.

Your description of Perry made me grin. And this:

How strange it seemed to say his name out loud to someone else. Even his name seemed personal and private somehow, as if it were meant just for her.
made me smile. Rather bittersweetly, considering their current situation. But it made me smile nonetheless.

I'm really glad Perry laid down the law. Lois needs someone to make her start screwing her head back on straight and jolt her into at least trying to be reasonable, and he's just the right person to do it.

I really enjoyed the little touches of humor you added to the story, Caroline. I've come to think of that as being one of the welcome and distinctive traits of your writing.

She would just have to start hating all of the women upstairs on principle. Or maybe it would be easier just to hate all of the women in the whole building. She didn’t like most of them much anyway, so it wasn’t like it would take a lot of extra effort.

And the seeds are set for the appearance of Superman. Excellent. smile1

Thanks for posting before leaving. Have a safe trip!

"Superman is a guy who's seen wonders we'll never see and Lois is to him, one of those wonders."