Thank you again for the comments, it's helps me know if I left anything out in my writing. It's my first attempt at this, so I probably need all the help I can get blush

Hazel I saw your questions:

Originally posted by Hazel:
Two questions for you, Taivas. Thanks for your clarifications in the comments folder of the last section, but I'm still unclear as to why the tabloids in Metropolis haven't yet dubbed Clark with some moniker. He's clearly been around for a few weeks, so why is he still being called "the superhero" or "that guy"? *Someone* must have come up with *something* before Lois' brainstorm!

And that leads to question two: why did Clark wait so long to apply at the DP? Was he just trying to make up his mind whether or not to stay in Metropolis?
Hazel [/QB]
I tried to be subtle when explaining those things so here goes:

Why he didn't settle in Metropolis at this point in the story:

(From Part 1) He still hadn’t settled on what to do in the next couple of weeks about living arrangements. He had been so busy the last month playing superhero, that he had neglected his writing. Staying in Metropolis for this long was not in his plans, but the city seemed to cry out for help. Being the largest city in the world, it naturally had more that its fair share of crime and disasters.

Normally he liked to spread his time out among many places in the world, never staying in one place for too long. Not only so he could share his abilities around the world, but he didn’t want to stay in one spot too long and be recognized by anyone.
So Clark hadn't planned on spending a lot of time in Metropolis, he just kind of got stuck here.

On his name up until Lois names him at the end of Part 4 I wrote (again in Part 1)

Though he really needed to give some thought to giving himself a name when he was in the suit. A variety of names had been assigned to him around the world, but even after all the good he had done, there were still many people nervous about him because of his distant and mysterious nature.
I probably should have thrown in a couple of references to some of the names the other papers had assigned to him, or referred to him as. I think I will fix that if I ever rewrite this. Thanks Hazel

Thanks all,