Aww, that was so cute! I love reading a new time travel/dimension hopping story smile

Clark gave Wells an apologetic look before following Lois into the park, toward the too-bright area where the fountain stood. He had to jog to catch up with her as she stormed her way diagonally across the grass to meet up with the deserted pathway. He shook his head to himself in amusement. He was the fastest man alive, and yet Lois could outpace him in “Metropolis Walking Speed” any day. He gently tugged on her sleeve to get her attention.

“Hey, wait up,” he urged, pretending to be winded from trying to match her speed.

LOL, fastest man alive, yet Lois could outpace him in “Metropolis Walking Speed” any day. Definitely takes Superman to keep up with her.

Clark raised a skeptical eyebrow. “Lois, are you forgetting that we live in a world where there’s a man who can fly and bounce bullets off his chest?” he teased.

The barest hint of a smile cracked the corner of her lips into an upward curve. “No. But that’s different.”

I love how Lois sees Superman. She's so in awe of him, yet accepts him completely. It's perfectly natural to her that there is a man that flies.

Then she snapped her fingers. “Wait a second! How did you guys even get here? Don’t tell me that time machine thing actually is real!” Her eyes gleamed with excitement.

Clark rubbed the back of his neck in his uneasiness. “Um…”

Lois looked mildly alarmed. “How did you…?”

“It is!” Teri crowed triumphantly. “And H. G. Wells? And Tempus?”

“That was a fun episode,” Dean added with a smile. “Lane was a lot of fun to work with. Kinda hoping we get to revisit Tempus at some point.”

“Well…Mr. Wells appears to be the real deal,” Lois responded before Clark could, and cutting off the note of nostalgia in Dean’s voice. “And he says there’s a guy named Tempus. We haven’t actually met him. At least…I don’t think we have. Wells seemed a little…weird. He acts like we’ve met him before or something but he’s been a bit…secretive about answering our questions about it. Honestly, trying to figure this all out is giving me a headache.”

Dean took another swig of his beer. “This is fantastic!” he declared. “I mean, how cool is it that the real Lois and Clark are here? You could tell us if the show’s storylines are accurate!”

I was kinda surprised that they didn't warn L&C about Tempus, but I guess they were a bit overwhelmed at the time. I know I would be!

“So?” Lois asked curiously. “Do I say yes? To the proposal you mentioned.” She gave Clark a playful grin and his heart did a nervous backflip.

Teri hesitated. “Well…no. Not exactly.”

Clark’s heart sank. “No?” he repeated hollowly. Every private hope and dream seemed to smash into oblivion right before his very eyes.

cry Poor Clark. She'll say yes eventually!!!!

“You see, it’s kind of complicated,” Dean cut in, leaning back in his seat, looking comfortable and relaxed. “The thing is, Clark’s just proposed to Lois, but he still hasn’t told her that he’s Superman, but she’s already figured it out…”

Clark’s face went stark white as all warmth and color drained away. His heart seemed to both pound in his chest and fall away to hide in his feet at the same moment. He gulped hard, trying to remoisten his suddenly dry throat. He wished he could shrink away into nothingness to avoid Lois’ wrath as she turned to him with a dangerous flaring of her nostrils and fire in her eyes.

“You’re what?!” she demanded.

Clark stuffed his hands into his pockets as his neck, ears, and face went hot and red with a blush. He cleared his throat, too scared of the conversation ahead to immediately answer Lois. “So…about that time machine, Mr. Wells…”

LOLOL Run, Clark, Run! Or maybe it should be Fly, Clark, Fly!
I was wondering if Clark was going to get away with his secret intact, but no, Dean had to spoil it for him, lol. Bad Dean!

Fun fic! I can't believe I hadn't read it before. Thank you Feedback Scavenger Hunt Challenge!!!!

Feedback Scavenger Hunt Challenge

Last edited by Smallville Girl; 05/08/24 10:04 PM.

Trask: Does Superman have any telepathic powers?
Lois: (blushing) I hope not.