Hi Barbara!
Clark grinned. “I swear he understands every word,” he said proudly.

“Oh, he understands all right.” Lois quipped. “He just has trouble following orders.”
Just like Lois!

He ran, almost tumbling over his too large paws, tail wagging, ears fluttering in the wind, and barking enthusiastically as the pigeons flapped their wings in panic and flew off.
“Flying dog seen chasing pigeons”

Clark jogged after his dog. “Down, boy. Stop. We don’t chase pig-”

He stopped dead in his tracks, jaw hanging open when the dog’s paws left the ground and he kept just chasing after the flying birds.

Lois caught up to Clark. “Yep, taking this dog for a walk is so going to be your duty.”
Worried he might water the plants on Lex’s balcony?

Clark started fumbling with his tie. “Forget what I said earlier. Training this dog can’t start soon enough.”
No biting the bad man with the gun! No chasing the school bus!

Clark’s gonna have his hands full now clap

wave Michael

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I go by Michael on the Archives.