What a wild ride! I feel like Clark had the right to be that mad - he deserved something for that horrible debacle.

Lois rolled her eyes. “Of course I’m not leaving the store. You’re holding my engagement ring hostage!” She dialed Clark’s cell phone and brought the phone to her ear.
I love that in the midst of having no power whatsoever, Lois not only bargains herself a potential way out, but sasses back to this dude. Classic.

“Ask him if he bought it from Mazik’s Jewelers,” Wisk interjected.
You can literaly feel the plot thicken here, lol

<I should have known something like this would happen! Man, I am an idiot!>
It's so great how bad Clark is at this kind of thing, especially in light of his abilities and his training at breaking and entering from working with Lois. He was caught on camera during that heist, and this feels like a fun extension of that!