Yay! I get to start the new year! Happy 2024!

#1 Cassandra in Reverse by Holly Smale

If you had the power to change the past…where would you start?
Cassandra Penelope Dankworth is a creature of habit. She likes what she likes (museums, jumpsuits, her boyfriend, Will) and strongly dislikes what she doesn't (mess, change, her boss drinking out of her mug). Her life runs in a pleasing, predictable order…until now.
• She's just been dumped.
• She's just been fired.
• Her local café has run out of banana muffins.

Then, something truly unexpected happens: Cassie discovers she can go back and change the past. One small rewind at a time, Cassie attempts to fix the life she accidentally obliterated, but soon she'll discover she's trying to fix all the wrong things.

I'm a sucker for time travel. I do enjoy the POV of a person on the spectrum, it can get a bit tiresome being in their head. There was a lot of extraneous information that could've been trimmed to facilitate the flow of the story. It did come together pretty nicely in the end.

Looking forward to seeing what everyone else is reading!