So excited for this last chapter!

She froze.
jawdrop This is such a THEM revelation! I love it!!

Oh yes, they were back on an even playing field now.
This is so brilliant that he knows it! We've seen Clark take this on, but we've never seen Superman have this realization! lol

The S on the cape stared at her, and she forced her mind to process that this was Clark.
This is such a great image/moment combination, to have her stare at the cape and see Clark.

Oh, Clark. He'd said he was going to tell her everything. He had wanted her to know.
I feel like it's still so rare that she tracks this - I love that you're giving her this perspective here!

But just then, a cage dropped sharply—so quickly—over him, the glowing bars separating him from her...
Oh, wow - this is so poetic to see this play out again, but this time with Lois playing for the other team! Very cool plot device!!

Lex continued, still—for all his psychopathic want of her—ignoring her.
lol This sounds so keenly like it's Lois' perspective! And Lex WOULD just go on grandstanding.

Thinking quickly, she said, “We...grew apart after you died, Superman and I. I always blamed him for not saving you. When I...when I saw you fall, I wished I could take back what I said at the altar.”
That's genius subterfuge - and there's just enough truth in there of Lois wondering why Superman hadn't saved him, for this to sound honest! So smart!

“Sheer will. I could never let her marry a monster like you.”
It hurts - it's like watching it all over again!

Only for you, Clark, she thought as she ran back to the pit and hoisted herself inside...
Ugh! It would take an act of love to overcome first a Lex seduction and then a rat-pit!

“At super speed? Or...slow?” he said, cocking an eyebrow in as suggestive a manner as he could muster.
He knows he can get away with this right now!! lol

Not now, she told her traitorous body.
It's cute - and a nice bookend - that we saw Clark fight this internal battle earlier in the story, and now we're seeing Lois fight the same battle here!

She nodded, a warm tear slipping down her cheek. “For a long time.”
“Me too.”
“I know,” she said, in an almost whisper.
“Perry’s office. Day one. Done for,” he replied.
Awwwwwwww. And man, he really exceeded her expectations with his idea of 'a long time!'

He looked at Clark again with a furrowed brow.
“Next time you see Superman, tell him I hope he’s back on his feet again soon,” he said, his eyes lingering as they found Clark’s. “I’m on his team.”
Through this whole section, I was on the edge of my seat wondering if Henderson knew! YAY! I love when he figures it out! He's a great part of this team!

“We...we could call that our almost-first kiss?”
So CUTE! This is such a great call-back to the whole start of this story!

This has really turned from something sweet and sultry into suspense and back around again! The structure of the revelation and emotional resolution to it were so well put together, too - Lois just stepping into the conversation with Clark, regardless of what he was wearing, and then having to rescue HIM, which made her overrule the possibility of any negative emotions in order to get them both out of it. It's just a very clever, satisfying way to cement the plot together! Such a sweet read!