This fic is just so dreamy!

And then he smiled at her like he had absolutely no right to smile at her.
It just leaves you weak in the knees! This is such great phrasing from Lois' POV.

Even though Clark took back his declaration in the park, something had shifted between them since that time. Their touches throughout the workdays had evolved into something comforting, something more, something she craved. Her feelings became harder to deny, harder to conceal. And after Clark was nearly killed, she knew for sure.
I love seeing this evolution so exquisitely mapped.

she had always known her engagement to him was all an impressively elaborate exercise in keeping her heart safe.
This is SO well and economically phrased!

this undefined coziness they had safely labeled ‘best friends.’
OMG, love this description a lot, too! It really captures something intangible!

“Always, Lois,” he breathed.
Their eyes met fully for just a second, and it felt like the world had stopped right there in that moment, as if the universe had been waiting for her to have this epiphany—that he had always protected her, unobtrusively. And she’d welcomed it without thinking—expected it, even, as sure as she expected him to bring her coffee every morning—because it had just felt so easy, and so safe to not look beyond the surface. To not see the very real devotion behind it.
And then the world started to turn again, her heart slamming into her chest at the intensity of the moment.
This is soooo laden with emotion - it really grips you!

She paused a moment, then eyed him mischievously. “You bet your sweet chumpy, I am.”
SUCH a fantastic call-back! And I love that it's Lois bringing this up - it definitely redefines her as a better sport than she was in season 1.

Had he always looked at her this much? Smiled at her this much?
Such a great detail because WE all know that he does!

“Yes, Lois,” he said with a teasing smile. “You made it into the Daily Planet Crossword Puzzle. Congratulations.”
This is FLIPPING ADORABLE! What a great use of the crossword!

And suddenly the air was as thin as the silence was thick between them.
Great antithesis here - really elevates this! This is probably my favorite line in this one!

Can't wait to head to the next chapter!