Originally Posted by Crazy_Babe
I was intrigued after the first chapter as to how this was going to pan out. I certainly wasn’t expecting what was delivered here. Very interesting to bring H.G. Wells into this premise and curious as to why Superman or Clark have not been seen for 20 years. Would’ve thought he’d keep in contact with Perry and Jimmy at least. I look forward to the rest!

I'm glad it wasn't what you were expecting! Hope your questions will be answered in future chapters.

Originally Posted by bakasi
I still wonder what happened to Clark. How will Lois interfere if she can't be seen? Will she save an unconscious Clark from the cage?

Thanks for the comment smile

Originally Posted by KSaraSara
GAHHHHHH!!! Toomi! My heart is breaking! whinging whinging

I'm on the edge of my seat trying to figure out what comes next!!

Sara smile

Yay! I broke your heart... temporarily.... I've never been one to write the heart wrenching moments as it's not my strength. For this fic I thought I'd try.