I feel like we've all been collectively traumatised to view any new character with suspicion- surely they are up to something! Same thing for anyone storing kryptonite because surely it'll "go missing" soon enough (I love that it was actually to his benefit here). I so much appreciate the optimism woven in to this whole series- yes of course there are bad people, but there are so many more good, trustworthy people, and it's allowing Clark to be so much more open.

Anyway, this leads him to being able to be more open, I am an absolute sucker for the "people realise he's human" thing. Well, not human, but you know what I mean. We were told that eventually he helps bring around a utopia with Lois publicly by his side, right? Though I'm enjoying PI Kent too much for now XD

I wonder if one-sided x-ray vision is actually kind of cool because you sorta see both normal and x-ray layered? btw, do you imagine x-ray vision like.. actual x-ray like visualisation, or more like it was depicted in (if my memory serves?) smallville where it's more like being able to see a cut-through view (like when he saw the muscles in Pete's face). I feel like either way it surely isn't.. actual x-rays, that seems kind of irresponsible, and I guess they'd have measured to see if they can detect any radiation or something when he uses his vision? Otherwise he's just been exposing a bunch of people to radiation? I know most folks can casually get like, a chest-x-ray or CT scan, but I know doctors don't like to do that unnecessarily especially for kids because it does come with some long term risks...

He's gotta work that out with the UN so their future kids can grow up as they should!