Hrm...I definitely like that idea, it's fascinating, and there are indeed not much stories with this premise. I'd totally read that!

As for fics coming close to that idea...I think the "Strangers" Series by Missy Garland might be something for you. That's fitting the idea rather well, it seems, sort of at least, as in Lois interacts a lot with Superman before even meeting Clark.
There's also the "Merry Christmas/Happy NEw Year" stories by Classicalla that explores Lois in a RS with Superman after the Pheromone episode.
And then...I think there was one by Zoomway, too...though I can't remember the title right now.
EDIT: Looked it up, "If you can't beat 'em". There's also a sequel "Join 'em" by another author, including the reverse-reveal.

Up, up and away - to the next fanfic.