“Mrs. Cox informed me that Luthor was planning on faking his death and pinning it on Mr. Kent. The crime lab found that the videotape was altered, and she confessed on that front. She told me who was in on the plan. A man named Nigel St. John was supposed to shoot Luthor with blanks,” Captain Benson explained, looking down at Lois as he leaned up against the wall next to her.

Yay! hyper Clark is cleared of suspicion of murder! Cannot believe Mrs. Cox was willing to confess to the crazy machinations of her boss.

“Henderson and I have an agreement. He gives me a hard time, and I leave his name out of my articles,” Lois explained, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear. If she didn’t know any better, she thought maybe Captain Benson was hitting on her.

“Well, maybe after all of this is over, you and I can go out for a drink and see if what Henderson says is right,” he suggested with another smile, putting his hands in his pockets.

Ewww! razz Talk about unprofessional! I wouldn't trust this guy as far as he could be thrown.

“It’s not about this — this thing with us,” Clark answered with a smile. “It’s about Luthor. What was Luthor’s plan after I got arrested? To run away from Metropolis with you? And who killed him?”

Lois relaxed as he wrapped his arms around her waist. He wasn’t letting her go.

“Can we forget about Luthor for the night, please? I just want to celebrate our win.”

Lois, as much as it may bother you, Clark has a point. Luthor never does anything without a plan. So, what was the point of faking his death? Was LexCorp going under and he wanted to blow town with Lois and more than just a briefcase full of cash? The date can come later. Now is the time to investigate!

“Excuse us.”

Clark and Lois pulled apart instantly, and Lois looked up to see Martha Kent walking into the apartment.

“I see the two of you made up,” Martha said, laughing as she came down the steps carrying a plastic bag of food.

“What am I missing?” Jonathan asked as he followed behind Martha.

LOL! Hello Jonathan and Martha!

He also knew he needed to get used to having Lois know his secret. It would be nice to have someone to talk to after the tougher rescues, but he’d spent years keeping the rescues to himself and holding in the heartache of what he saw every day. Now that he had Lois, they would have to figure out how to balance their relationship with him having to fly away at a moment’s notice. How would Lois feel knowing that their time together could be interrupted at any minute? Clark knew they needed to have a long discussion about what it might be like for Lois to date a man with a secret identity.

Excellent. Clark realizes that his relationship with Lois has reached a new phase. They will need time to sort this out But he has to remember she is an adult and will be more than happy to work on it. Communicate with her Clark!

“Yeah, and having to constantly apologize for flying off. If we move forward with a relationship, I hope you understand I might have to run off at the most inappropriate times,” he admitted, running his hand through his hair.

“That explains the strange excuses you used to give when you had to disappear,” she said with a smile. “Clark, I admit that it threw me for a moment when you had to run off during lunch. I understand though, and if we are on a date and it happens, I just hope you come back when you can.”

Yeah, he needed to explain about the sudden departures during critical moments. The cheese of the month club was a crazy excuse! dizzy

I can hardly wait for the final chapter!


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.