Superjan, thank you so much for reading and responding! Lois gets left hanging a lot, doesn't she? As much as she leaves Clark in the lurch while she sorts out her emotions, Clark leaves her that way just as often. ...through usually for much more urgent reasons. lol

Bakasi, thanks so much! Don't those pesky calls for help come at the worst times? So glad you liked how this one developed - always tricky for me when it gets written by whim instead of outline, so your comment means a lot! blush

Morgana, thaaaank you!!

He was probably headed off to meet Mayson. Sheโ€™d only been an errand after the ball. Heโ€™d returned her wrap and now Mayson was getting the glass slipper.
The above line says everything.
THANK YOU for popping this one! Probably my favorite line in this. How crushing to actually end up at a ball, with your prince, and then he spends the night with someone else. My imagination would be off on a tangent if it were me.

This is way better than the original.
I'm swooning myself! That's so kind of you! blush
Clark does seem to find ways around all that armor, time and time again, doesn't he? I think it's part of the reason it's so satisfying writing in this universe - at the end of the day, they're still soulmates. So no matter what you throw at them, it will usually be ok. One of the few relationships where it's truly the journey that matters. jump