“So not only was Mr. Kent in love with you, he was also angry with Luthor for losing his job, the Daily Planet, and his friends, and he blamed Luthor for the Planet’s destruction. He had more than one motive,” the captain said as he tapped his pencil on the pad of paper. “Thank you, Ms. Lane. Given all of this and the gun my officers just found in the dumpster behind Mr. Kent’s apartment, I think I have enough now.”

Lois froze with uncertainty. They’d found a gun in the dumpster behind Clark’s apartment? How? Why? None of this made sense.

“Enough…for what?” Lois asked nervously.

Benson smiled at her. “Enough to charge your friend with murder.”

Ouch! Is this a set-up or what? Never watched SVU, still Benson is no joke...

Mayson was very cold. Will we be seeing her again.

Can't help but think that the reference to yellow writing pads is important.

Neatly crafted case Carrie. Do we really have to wait a week for the next installment? frown


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.