Originally Posted by Morgana
Congratulations on an excellent story! It tugged at my heartstrings and made me think! A much, much better outcome than the well-written, but total tearjerker that was Becky Bain's story.

Yes, there are many questions which must be explored/answered in another story. My goodness, who is this girl Jon has befriended, which adds yet another layer to this story. Oh, so looking forward to reading it.

Ciao! wave

Thank you!! There really are a lot of questions. I guess I might need to see if my muse is up for writing a sequel.

/Looks at her other WIPs.../ eek

Ahhh, if only there were more hours in the day!!

Thank you for reading!! smile1

Originally Posted by SJH
A beautiful tale beautifully and wonderfully told.

Thank you so much!!


