Originally Posted by KSaraSara
AHHHHHHHH!!!!!! *dies of WAFFs*

Oh, please, no. Don't die.

Originally Posted by SuperBek
And...now that Clark has now powers...he can...sleep inside the house??? And go to the Corn Festival??? grovel

That's a distinct possibility now.

Originally Posted by Blueowl
And poor Houdini. He must be super confused. First he protects Lois from Clark and then thinks he needs to protect Clark from Lois.

It was a tough scene for all of them.

Originally Posted by Kathryn84
I absolutely love this part and I hope that they get closer to the solution to his problem because of this.

Thank you. I might have taken them just a step in the right direction. But it's still a ways to go. I hope y'all don't mind.

Originally Posted by Ailujecarg
Another great installment!


Thank you so so much for reading and leaving feedback. You guys rock

It's never too dark to be cool. cool