I'm so thrilled to see another installment of this story, Caroline.

I absolutely loved the paragraph stating all the things Lois would haved missed about Clark if he'd truly left after the heatwave. It's too long to quote, but what Clark has meant to Lois is just so well put.

Perhaps when you spent so much time being larger than life, it was good to return to a place where you were nothing more than a pinprick on the neatly stitched landscape. She dismissed the thought as fanciful as soon as she had it; Clark loved Kansas because it was home.
I just adore both sentences, because each thought is true. Again, very insightful writing.

Loving Clark is rewarding, but it isn’t easy. It’s going to take a very special, very patient person. Someone who’s willing to lie for him every single day. Someone who’s willing to share him with the world and then to help heal that tender heart of his when he comes back with it battered and bruised.”
You got it in one. Perfectly said.

This story is such a thrill to read, Caroline. Insights, emotion and humor... it's a complete, wonderful package.

"Superman is a guy who's seen wonders we'll never see and Lois is to him, one of those wonders."