Originally Posted by Darth Michael
Hi Saras!

And their banter had turned to flirting and the flirting had been beyond exhilarating.

, and then out of the corner of her eye she spotted Clark’s hot dog clutched in his hand. Onions. Relish.
See? See? /Eyes previous FDK/ well, the Saras did see wink

Once out of visual range, she searched through her clutch and was relieved to see she’d thought to bring her breath mints after all

and she couldn’t even bring herself to tell him she didn’t actually like the band he’d paid so much for them to see.
Yeah! Hey, and he can’t bring himself to tell her that he likes to dress in tights.

As it was, what kind of foundation did they hope to build if their first date was built around Lois lying to him?
CLARK: ummmmmm…

mosh pit. She tried hard to picture him throwing himself at other people with the sole intent on smashing his body into theirs and it caused a giggle to bubble up inside of her.

She knew he’d gone out of his way to get good seats, but they were awfully close for her poor ears.
Yes, he waited for the last minute so he could buy them at a premium. Also… laugh

He said something to her, though she couldn’t hear it over the din.
It was either “I’m Superman” or “I have super fun”.

she found herself distracted by the rest of their set as she leaned into Clark’s body, and he wrapped his arm around her, rubbing her arm ever so softly with his thumb
Their own personal mosh pit!

Surely Clark wouldn’t be quite so fixated on her once his favourite act took the stage.

It suddenly occurred to her that she’d had quite a lot of liquids, and that if she wanted to use the restroom before the main act began, now was the time.
She was never at a big event like that, was she?

“I’m going to…” she gestured to the door, hoping he understood. For some reason she didn’t want to say ‘I have to pee’ to her partner. What was wrong with her? He nodded, thankfully sparing her the embarrassment, and she told him she would be back in a few moments.
And that’s how Clark learned that Lois’s favorite activity is investigating large scale operations for backroom dealings.

Thankfully, she had brought it with her in her clutch and she took a moment or so to re-apply it. Pearl Jam could wait.
Best make them kissable?

She wandered forward trying to get a better look, but with the music so loud and the venue so dark, she had no idea where she was. She decided to turn around and head back out again, when suddenly someone slammed into her, knocking her to the ground hard.
And this would be the obligatory gun runners.

Fear shot through her as she realised she had somehow managed to stumble into the mosh pit.
laugh Clark will think that was intentional!

Clark making his way to her, a determined look on his face.
He couldn’t have heards her heartbeat over that noise, could he?

“You’re…you’re bleeding!” he said, touching her chin. “Are you sure you’re okay? Maybe we can find a first aid kit or—”
She got banged up worse by the gun running rebels in the Congo. Almost didn’t make it out alive, in fact!

She liked being able to look at Clark. She liked being able to hear Clark when he spoke to her,

“You’d rather not get thrown out of a plane on our next date,” he said, somewhat flustered but with a tone that told her he was very much enjoying her touch. “Got it. No planes.”
CLARK: Jimmy, x-nay on the parachute-nay.

Feeling a little bolder, she reached up and pressed her hand to his chest, running it gently down the broad planes of his abdomen. He gave a sharp intake of breath, letting her know that she’d had the desired effect. She smiled.
Good thing they’re doing it this way around and that Lois has stopped where she did, otherwise there’d also be desire affected.

she allowed herself to say what she’d been thinking all evening. “I don’t want to go back in.”

“I don’t like Pearl Jam. I mean, I really don’t like them. I only agreed to go to see this concert because you wanted to go so badly and I wanted to go out on a date with you.

Oh no! Had she ruined their entire night?
No. In fact he's going to explain to her that he can't be friends or possibly even close coworkers with someone who doesn't appreciate the melodious range and intricate details of their songs.

pressing her body against him once more in what was supposed to be an innocent hug.
Yeah, no, not innocent. Though it’s a good thing Clark’s not wearing a kilt to the outing.
LIL’ PULITZER: Mom! Dad! Are you telling me I was made at a Pearl Jam concert? Gaaaaah, that’s so embarrassing! /rushes off to room and slams door/

“I know a good place around the corner,” he started to say. She interrupted him by placing her finger against his lips.
He’s not living around the corner, is he?

He stilled immediately and she felt herself smile mischievously.

“Wanna come back to my place for coffee?”

That had sounded…really forward, suggestive. Especially because that flirty tone had somehow turned sultry.
Yep, sounds like she’s inviting him in for “coffee”

. “I mean…I meant, like, actual coffee…”

This keeps being entertaining? When does the quality drop? /eyes part count/ Oh, I see. Part 11 may present a steep decline in quality wink

wave Michael

Ha ha ha! Thank you so much! The coffee bit had me giggling too!

Spike: "There's a hole in the world...feels like we ought to have known."