This is a great idea, Toomi!! And I hope we see a lot of responses!

I’m trying to think if I have any particular knowledge that is useful… no first-hand experiences that I can remember! But I know in Southern Arizona, flash flooding is a big concern in the summer monsoon months. The heavy rainfall over a short period of time can cause flooding in low-lying areas and … well, in Tucson, we didn’t really have a river unless it rained—we had washes (essentially big, sandy riverbeds where water tended to runoff/flow, and there are often bridges built over them). The flash flooding causes fast-moving water in washes/riverbeds/low-lying areas, and that water can EASILY take the fully paved road with it. One of the biggest problems is people thinking that their car can make it across the road because the water doesn’t look so bad or so deep. But the current on that water is STRONG and it sweeps cars and trucks away and carries them down washes. In areas prone to heavy flooding, there are permanent signs posted, warning not to cross or enter when flooded; and in the monsoon season, crews are sent out to commonly flooded areas to post warning signage and barricades. Arizona actually has a Stupid Motorist Law which states that if you need to be rescued after attempting to cross a barricaded section…that you have to pay for the emergency services rendered.

Feel free to PM me or hit me up on Discord if you ever need help with a scene!!

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