Hey, FoLCs!

Sunday (which is already “today” for some of you!) is the last day for your Kerth nominations!!

We already have a nice turnout for nominations! But the more we have, the better representation of the fandom we have! I know all the authors out there (and fanart artists and fdk givers!) would REALLY appreciate you taking the time to make your nominations!

IMPORTANT REMINDER: Since we had an issue when the form first went up, please let us know if you didn't get a confirmation email so that we can make sure everything got logged correctly!

Do you need to have read all the stories? Nope! Do you need to make selections in all categories? Nope! Can you nominate yourself? Absolutely! (Find answers to more questions here.

The deadline to submit your form is Sunday, March 26th 23:59 UTC. Now, for me… as someone who grew up in Arizona, where they don’t do Daylight Savings Time… I’m terrible at time zone math. (And added fun that I just learned about is that US and the rest of the world or maybe just Europe?? don’t do DST changes at the same time! dizzy) In any case, I made up this chart from timeanddate.com so that the deadline is handy for hopefully most people! And gosh, I really hope I got the European ones right!

[Linked Image]

Here is the official nomination form if you want to go straight there and fill things out.

Here is the official nomination “how to” post and its replies (in which I try to answer all possible questions about the process…and more. I recommend reading all the replies, as there is useful information there and clarifications on how to do the more complicated categories.

Have a question? Ask it here! Or you can PM any of the K-Com members or reach out on Discord too! You can also send an email to us here: Kcom@kerthawards.com

We’re excited to hear from you!

The Kerth Committee
(Sara, Michael, Annie, and lovetvfan)

Other 2023 Kerth posts…
Kerth Announcement Post / Index
Eligible stories list
Official Kickoff Post (Schedule and Categories)
Eligible Fanart and Opt-In Opportunity

25th Annual Kerth Awards 2023: Activity—Writer’s Year in Review
25th Annual Kerth Awards 2023: Activity—Reader’s Year in Review
25th Annual Kerth Awards 2023: Activity—Kerth Challenges

Kerth nominations are opening on March 3!
🏆2024 Kerth Award Posts 🏆.

Join us on the #loisclark Discord server! We talk about fanfic, the show, life, and more!

You can also find me on Tumblr and AO3.

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