Gahhh! Look at all the wonderful feedback that I haven’t responded to yet! love

Originally Posted by CarrieRene
I want coffee with Clark! Please. After that date, I'll even take decaf. Oh your details, her emotions, I felt like I was in that room feeling everything. Oh boy! Glad you were able to get this done while you had a crazy day!

Carrie! Oh, that’s my favorite kind of feedback—knowing when I’ve actually gotten readers to feel the emotions!! High praise! Thank you!

Originally Posted by KathyB
“And the way I feel about you...” He paused and swallowed, and she caught just a hint of apprehension in his eyes, a naked vulnerability that somehow made her feel just a bit less scared. “That will never change. Has never changed.”
AHHHHHH! Right in the feels, Sara! Right in the feels!

Great job. This was a delight to read. smile

WOOO! I love that I hit you right in the feels! hyper Thanks!! smile

Originally Posted by AnnieM
Perfection! The same but better is the perfect description of this transition in their relationship. This is how that date should have ended. <3

Awww!! And yeah, totally should have ended this way. Thank you for letting me know you enjoyed!! smile

Originally Posted by bakasi
Loved this, absolutely loved this. The tenderness between them. Aww. And while I read this, I couldn't help but think that this is quite a funny coincidence, too. You'll see why in a few days... laugh

Ahhhh! Thank you!! I’m so glad you enjoyed! And LOL it was a funny coincidence indeed—a fantastic present to get!! love

Originally Posted by Blueowl
Squeee* I REALLY wish this was how the show had gone. And I imagine him being able to hear her through the door helped him stay and be patient wink

Loved this fix-it fic. sloppy

Right?? And yep, hearing her through the door TOTALLY helped. LOL! Thanks for the feedback!!

Originally Posted by Penny_Lane
Now that is what I call a FIX! smile1

If only you could have edited that TV episode before airing................................

Thank you for making everything better. clap


Awww such great feedback!! smile1 I wish it could have ended this way, too! Especially since our first real kiss got so rudely interrupted!

Originally Posted by Songbird
I love this! I wish this is how their date ended in the
episode. You did a terrific job of capturing their emotions. It felt real and from the heart. This is my favorite part:

“And the way I feel about you...” He paused and swallowed, and she caught just a hint of apprehension in his eyes, a naked vulnerability that somehow made her feel just a bit less scared. “That will never change. Has never changed.”

*melts* Thank you for a lovely story and perfect episode fix!

Awwww I’m so happy to hear all this! I definitely loved Clark’s response that you picked out. Sometimes he’s a lunkhead, but othertimes, he’s got those devastating lines. *melts* Thank you so much for the wonderful feedback!

Originally Posted by Darth Michael
Hi Sara!

Author’s Note: I might come back and write a longer note later,

Hahahaha! Yeah…

Originally Posted by Darth Michael
It’s code for...more than kissing.
Also, what does this mean for Clark always heating up her coffee at work?

lol I’ll let you write the smut bunny for that one! wink

Originally Posted by Darth Michael
And she desperately with Clark.
Because it’s been a long time since she had coffee not by herself, huh?

Hah! Yep.

Originally Posted by Darth Michael
Her eyes went wide. “Coffee! I meant coffee!”

Hahaha! Yeah, I loved this line! Glad you got a good laugh out of it. goofy

Originally Posted by Darth Michael
Her heart raced as he leaned in, his lips closer and closer until she felt the soft warmth of them against her own. Such a brief moment, his lips pressing gently and tasting, before he pulled back just a touch and she let out a short sigh.
Wheeee, you sure did manage to keep that tension alive. Like a live wire being whipped around in the rain while the T-Rex is stalking its prey.

Haha wheee! Thanks! lol

That was a most excellent coffee you served us here. hyper

Yay!! Glad you enjoyed!

Originally Posted by Morgana
Tonight's award for eloquence and poise goes to Lois Lane. It was a miracle she'd managed to make it through the evening. She took off the sheer shoulder wrap and moved further into the kitchen so she could drape it over the back of a chair. It slid right off, silently pooling on the floor.

These lines set the tone for the rest of the evening. That Lois would eventually surrender to the warmth and comfort that is Mr. Kent. Now another part of me was saying; Pick up the scarf! Its too beautiful to lay on the floor!

Coffee with Clark? Yes please! Make mine with a double shot of expresso! goofy

Ahh thank you! I’m glad you liked them because I was a little unsure—but then again, so was Lois!! And yes, don’t we all want coffee with Clark?? *happy sigh*

Thanks again, everyone!! I’ve got a big old smile on my face from all the feedback!

Sara smile

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🏆2024 Kerth Award Posts 🏆.

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Avatar by Carrie Rene smile