I have A LOT of favorite lines in this one, as you know!!! grin

LOVE this:

Originally Posted by KSaraSara
Lois took her eyes off the road for a full second to glare at her husband. “Really? You’re going to edit my copy right now?”

And this:

Originally Posted by KSaraSara
“That maybe...there are certain types of people...” Lois indicated toward the back seat behind her with her eyes. “...who...don’t...needasmuchsleepashumansdo?” she mumbled under her breath.

Clark opened his mouth and shut it again. Then finally, he mumbled back, “She’s too young...I mean...she’s only...half-you-know-what...and...I was...10 before I started...getting things...”

And THIS!! (especially this!):

Originally Posted by KSaraSara
“Do you think?” he asked, this time sounding some yearning kind of hopeful.

Love how you painted the picture of Clark being so hopeful, wishing, wanting his daughter to share some of his uniqueness. Awwwwww!!! love

And of course, little Hannah, completely innocent in the backseat.... LOVE HER! smile1

So glad you wrote this one!! Happy Friday!
