Originally Posted by KSaraSara
“Lois...” he said, his voice gruff and thick with emotion. “I need to tell you...”

She shook her head, but she couldn’t get the words out past the lump in her throat. Instead, she closed the distance between them and wrapped her arms around him, hugging him fiercely, tightly because she didn’t want to let him go ever again. He buried his face in her neck and held her, his strong arms unyielding with their desperate comfort and regret.

“I choose you,” she whispered in his ear. “Both of you.” Lois felt him tense in her arms for just a moment, so she held tighter. “All of you,” she promised.

He let out a shuddering breath, and she felt the tension drain from him, his body relaxing but at the same time, his arms tightening more around her. “Thank you,” he breathed against her neck.

The hug seemed to last forever, but it was the most comfortable forever. Warmest. Safest. And she was sure she could feel his love for her within his embrace, but the scared and unsure part of her—the one that found it hard to trust, to let go—needed to hear it.

Finally, she loosened her arms and he did too, her hands coming to rest on his chest. And though she didn’t expect it, her heart leapt at the fact that he didn’t fully let go—he let his hands slide down to the small of her back, holding her closely, though they’d both pulled back just enough that she could see his face.

The look on his face took her breath away—she could see it now clearly, the love that he’d hidden away for months and months, yet his eyes still seemed to hold a hint of apprehension. It was as though she could feel his heart, his hope held suspended on the precipice...waiting to fall for her a second time if that’s what she wanted.

And she wanted it, oh so desperately.

love love love love love love love

I wanted to pick out my favorite one line from this chapter, but I couldn't because.... ALL OF THIS. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this whole part here. It is just...sooo good!! Especially <<...his hope held suspended on the precipice...waiting to fall for her a second time if that's what she wanted.>>

I loved how this whole thing played out. Thank you for this wonderful story, Sara!

Looking forward to the epilogue in 3...2...1...
