I am totally psyched about this series! It's an original premise that maintains the basic Lois & Clark universe, which not all fanfic does (including some of mine). You're doing this very well, too. And I'm glad you told us that MagiKal isn't going away, that there will be more about this very interesting pairing.

I suspect that Houdini, having been in the cave with the red/green K when Clark found him, is in some way involved with Clark's power fluctuations beyond sensing them. But I don't know how that could be. I also think that you've dropped hints that Houdini is no longer a standard Irish setter, that he has also been enhanced somehow. I'm sure you'll let us know if I'm right when the time comes, though. Please hurry back with more from this fascinating reality.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing