Originally Posted by Blueowl
Wow, now I understand why you needed the warehouse scene. It makes a lot of sense.


The darned warehouse... Ahhh, poor Clark whinging But the warehouse led to the emergence of his heat vision, which then enabled him to handle Nightfall without having to resort to plan 3... And ultimately helped him also to know he could control his powers and use them -- even the scariest of them, i.e., this heat vision -- in a way that was life-giving (saving the world) rather than harmful; this helped him to break free of the hold Trask still had on him. So yeah... the darned warehouse... whinging

[quote=Blueowl]Very unique approach to handling Nightfall. I wonder what the world thinks and if any of the scientists saw what happened to it. . . .

Thank you!! It was a fun challenge to try to figure out what to do in a world that didn't have Superman to "call upon" for Nightfall... And having Clark overhear the conversation of the scientists, admitting that their plan to save the world was likely going to fail... Clark's strength might have been enough to slow the asteroid and get it turned back around, if he'd had some sort of way to know whether he was affecting it. But since he was up there all alone and had no way of knowing if he was slowing the asteroid with his efforts, he had to think quickly and come up with a new plan.

I'm glad you liked this approach!!

My guess is that the scientists were monitoring as the asteroid appeared to break apart. But they wouldn't have seen a person flying up in space, cutting it up. And they surely would have no way to explain how the pieces of the broken up asteroid would begin to fly back in the opposite direction... Perhaps this should be explored further... wink

Originally Posted by Blueowl
And yay, Clark has a job ^_^ He's come a long way in less than a year! Something only a superman could do with an amazing woman.


I really enjoyed this fic hyper Very enjoyable read and a good Christmas gift grin

Lois + Clark = unstoppable, in any iteration!! love

Thank you so much for reading!! I am really glad I was able to finish it before the end of the year, since I have several other WIPs I'm also working on smile1

Originally Posted by bakasi
Thanks for an amazing fic. Ever since I saw the solar flare on Superman and Lois and bought the comic that introduced the concept of Superman using his heat vision as such a force, I've been thinking about using heat vision to destroy Nightfall. So thank you for doing that (kind of, anyway) I like your version.

Such a great Christmas present.

I LOVE exploring new ways for Superman to exploit his powers, and I'm glad you liked how I did this here too grin In other versions of Superman, his heat vision has often been depicted as being insanely powerful, and so I guess I did tap into that a bit here wink

I had fun with working out this alternative way for him to manage Nightfall, cuz I think it would have been really terrible for him to try to bash into it like they did in the show.... That was his "plan 3", but really glad that he didn't have to resort to that. hehe

Thank you again for reading and for the wonderful comments hyper
