You can whatever you want with your Doomsday monster, but in the comics it was created/developed by a Kryptonian scientist to be the perfect killing life form. The arid vacuum of space wouldn't kill it. And because it's Kryptonian, you can't point it at our sun without supercharging it. Maybe these Supermen actually put it on a collision course with a white dwarf so that ol' Doomy would be trapped in the star's gravity well until it collapsed into a black hole. Then there's no way to know what would happen to the creature, assuming it could survive even that. And I think even Superman's ethical prohibition on taking lives would survive Doomsday's demise.

I like this tale. So they've taken care of fifteen Doomsdays now? Wow. That means that there are at least fifteen different examples of Lois Lane in the multiverse. Doomsday wouldn't bother with a world without a Lois since there probably wouldn't be a Superman there without her. I hope none of the Loises happened to be on her way to visit her Clark when the Super-Committee To Eliminate Doomsday (SCTED) showed up to help take care of the local monster.

Ironic that you untwisted your own plot for this tale. Very inventive. Keep up the great work. And don't forget about the follow-up to Anchor, okay?

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing