Originally Posted by Terry Leatherwood
Wanted to let you know that I'm keeping up with it. This is interesting, and a little challenging for the reader. You have a very thorough romance story bubbling along, complete with erotica (I know you've written those chapters), yet you're still keeping the Luthor drama going. Good job.

I wonder who Luthor's mole in the Planet is? Might it be Claude? I know, he's behaving as if he's all on their side, but Perry's reaction makes me think that maybe he's not being totally straight with Clark, and especially not with Lois. Luthor might have coerced him into this betrayal by dangling revenge against Lois in front of his nose because his guilt over stealing Lois' story all those years ago has held him back from being whatever he thinks a great reporter should be. Of course, I could be wrong - maybe Jimmy is the mole and he's tired of picking up the Chief's dry cleaning.

I'm looking forward to the next pair of chapters. Of course, I also wonder if you're going to post 37 by itself or with an epilogue. I suppose we'll all RAFO.

Thanks for the feedback! I am glad that you're enjoying it! There is definitely more that gets revealed with all the characters but obviously we aren't there yet. The last chapter here is actually just the last two chapters collapsed into one another since I G-ficcd it. I might have an epilogue but it likely won't appear in the Gfic section

Spike: "There's a hole in the world...feels like we ought to have known."