Just another lovely chapter to go along with all the other lovely chapters. Everyone seems to fully accepted Lois especially Caleb who was concerned because she was not suppose to be there yet, did that mean something was wrong? Lois pulling him into the conspiracy was precious.

The ride over and Jonathan's hug seems to seal the deal, Lois is a member of the family now.

I grew up in a small town of around 3500 in NE Oklahoma so I understand how towns like Smallville work but at least in my days (the 1960's) the players would have never given our coach grief like that and I mean that sincerely. Of course our coach would have NEVER put on such a public display of affection unless we won the State Championship (which we never did).

Seems like the week in Smallville should round out this story and I can't wait to see how you portray it as you ladies can write it so completely that the reader is right there not just reading about it.


Create all the happiness you are able to create.
Remove all the misery you are able to remove.

Jeremy Bentham