Love that Lois has recruited Martha and Lana into help with the surprise. Lana getting her revenge on Clark for keeping Lois’ first visit at the corn festival is simply too good a proposition. Clark is going to be so surprised even if like Songbird said Lois’s heartbeat may give her away.

Beautiful heart to heart between the Kent’s and Lois and Clark. Glad that they weren’t too hard on Clark for exposing his secret to Lois. I think the fact that Lana, Pete and Ginny have kept it to themselves all these years really helped cement that fact that they have nothing to fear.

Looking forward to more Smallville adventures! Dare we hope we’ll see Sophie and Caleb soon? Caleb especially will be very excited to see Lois.

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched they must be felt with the heart

Helen Keller