Originally Posted by Songbird
Thanks for making me smile on one of the worst days of my life. I’ve been in tears all day but reading this made me happy. Thank you! Now I’m going to read it again. I can’t wait for more. I love this story!
Hugs to you, Songbird! I hope whatever is going on gets resolved, and I'm so glad this chapter came at just the right time! (And hopefully today's chapter just added more happiness. love )

Originally Posted by Penny_Lane
So, does that mean we can look forward to a whole new and improved wedding arc too? wink
Just pondering their future. I know you will not disappoint us.
This comment really made me laugh, but not for the reasons you probably think. Because at this point, we have no plans to write up their wedding specifically ... but that didn't stop us from spending HOURS (and I mean HOURS AND HOURS!!) plotting said wedding in intense detail -- where it will be and who will stay where (because spoiler alert, it will take place in Smallville, but as already established, there are no hotels in town), what role everyone will undertake, how things would play out, etc. And we laughed ourselves silly not because the wedding itself will be at all silly -- of course it's going to be wonderfully romantic -- but because we spent HOURS AND HOURS plotting a story that we have no intention of actually writing. lol That is how gone we are on this universe. sloppy

Thank you, all, for the comments! We've been so, so eager for you all to get to this part of the story. We just love this revelation ever so much!