Thanks everyone!

Poor Clark really is at his wit's end.

Originally Posted by Penny_Lane
I don't like to see Clark in the stressed out, overprotective mode either. But, it's easier to understand in this situation versus what occurred in say, the episode where he broke up with her "for her own good." That was just dumb!! razz

In this case Clark is the only one who actually knows for a fact just how close Lois came to being killed. She likely would be dead if he had not caught those bullets! I would have a hard time leaving someone I loved too; especially knowing I had the super powers to protect them.

Yes! Even if his actions in this section aren't ideal, we know he is struggling because he knows the danger was/is real. Also, something to keep in mind when thinking about this Clark and his reactions, is that he has no experience with this. He hasn't spent years moonlighting in tights. He doesn't routinely catch bullets or swoop in and rescue Lois from the jaws of death. This Clark is a sweet, innocent teacher from Kansas. He hasn't had years to hone his skills or build up a thick skin when it comes to seeing the woman he loves in jeopardy. He isn't just going to roll his eyes and mutter her name as he rushes off to save her yet again. He's terrified and overwhelmed by the idea of someone shooting at her.

Being a reporter is as much a diagnosis as a job description. ~Anna Quindlen