I've just read all 7 chapters and I'm a bit overwhelmed. To borrow a phrase from the L & C series, “This is a lot to take in!” I don't think I could deal with this kind of trauma! But I am hooked now. So, I hope RL gives you a BIG break so you can devote some time to continuing this very promising story. smile

Although the story is dark and hard to think about, it feels like you offer us hints of hope as the progression of it unfolds.

For example, you've done a good job showing us just how strong this young Lara is. She is certainly the daughter of Lois & Clark in that respect. And the previously established and secret telepathic connection between the sisters was a fascinating twist. I wonder why Clark never felt that? You've also shown us that both Lois and Clark are devastated; but there are also signs of just how resolute they are about seeking justice for their daughter and providing the supportive family she will need to overcome what she has suffered. And finally, Lara's commitment to willingly sacrifice herself to keep her family safe. There is already a bond forming within this family that foreshadows the courage and strength that will be necessary to fight this battle that is forthcoming.

Daytonagirl, I am keeping my fingers crossed that you already know the end of this intriguing tale. And your plan is to balance the darkness with warm rays of light; and that good will definitely triumph over the evil that Bureau 39 has inflicted on this family. grovel

Thanks for sharing your work with us. I look forward to more! thumbsup