Hi Morgana,

The only needlework I ever did was cross-stitching, and I had to stop that decades ago because of a repetitive stress injury. But I did see the hours upon hours my Mom put into her work. Unfortunately, the only relative I have younger than myself is my son; he will certainly get two or three of the blankets once he moves into his group home upon graduating from school, but I know that he doesn't have the intellectual capacity to understand enough to fully appreciate them for anything more than their softness and weight. (Although he turns 21 in a couple of months, his mental functioning is roughly that of a two or three year old. And I have long suspected that his sensitivity to temperature changes is far reduced compared to most people; I doubt he would even realize that the blankets make him warmer.) Someday I'll see whether any of my friends would want some of the others. Any that remain will eventually get donated somewhere. There are a couple I plan to keep as long as I am capable of doing so.

Thanks for the suggestion.