Hi Barbara!

The squeal! hyper What a wonderful surprise!

trying to spli his
/psst, 'split'

A sledgehammer seemed to hit Clark square on his forehead, pulling him from sleep.
Lois shouldn’t kiss his head this early in the morning.

What was he doing in his bed?
LOIS: Why would I take Clark into my bed. I mean, when he’s drugged. I mean, when his unable to *do* …stuff while in my bed.

But why was his head hurting, then?
Romulan Ale that jimmy had bought. It’s the real deal. Green and glows in the dark.

Clark realized that someone was knocking at his door.
Oh. Hmm… is Lois playing innocent?

He fought against the wave of nausea sweeping through him and scrambled to his feet, this time more careful to avoid another ax attack.
Maybe an intervention committee to help him face his drinking problem?

He was wearing nothing but a shirt and boxers.
How did he get changed?
LOIS: angel-devil Officially, I didn’t look.

It wasn’t just Jimmy waiting on the outside. Perry and Jack were right behind him.
Yep. Intervention.

he realized with a start that - to top it all off - he wasn’t wearing his glasses.
Yeah… not an issue.

Perry's voice was laced with concern. “You’re all right, son?”
They expect he was on a bender since he had disappeared two days ago.

He tried to put a smile on his face and pretend that he wasn’t feeling like he’d been hit by a truck.
So, pretty good, then. But I am worried for the truck.


“You look like something the cat dragged in…”
CAT: He may look cute sober, but I don’t do drunk. Too messy. No fun.

“...played with and chewed on, just to spit out the bones later,” Jimmy finished the sentence and quirked his brows.
CATWOMAN: Batman really needs to hide his Kryptonite better. Whip with Kryptonite inlays is just too much fun when going up against the Boy Scout.

I believe I’m getting a good booze just from standing near you.”
Am trying to remember: Did Lex empty some cheap liquor onto Superman?
LEX: That would be undignified. I don’t own cheap liquor.

How was Lois fitting into the picture? Had he been at her wedding after all?
I’m starting to wonder if she’s still in his bed, sleeping off her own hangover.

As Clark envisioned a glass of red juice, his brain rang another blaring alarm. He shuddered.
laugh red laugh

“Then try my Spinach Smoothie,” Perry suggested. “Works like a charm.”

Clark frowned. “What’s the meaning of this? Superman would never x-ray someone’s clothing.”
laugh That’s what he took from this? There’s not even a similar picture of the bride in her undies, shrieking as she tries to protect her modesty. It’s just Lex who’s a bit denuded?

“Oh, he totally did!” Jack smirked.
Right. :Laugh: Now I remember laugh He was unfit for the wedding night, was what I took from it.

“Lois is here. She wants to see you.”
Okay, so not in bed next to him.

"Why, Superman of course. Clark has parents, went to school, got a driver's license and a degree in journalism, all just so you could call him a hack from Nowheresville and hand his heart right back to him."

How should he deal with her now when his head hurt, his beard was growing inside his mouth and his thoughts were so sluggish?
LOIS: Does he really think I want to deal with another drunk?

Give him out thanks
/psst/ our

“That was me. I drenched you in alcohol after you’d passed out on your bed. I thought it would keep Perry and the others from wondering why you were hungover."

She sat her cup down and shifted her position. "Okay, I guess the first question is: how mad are you?"

If he was having hallucinations, they sure were persistent.
Perhaps Lex made a clone of Lois? One more docile.

"If we absolutely do need to have this talk now, the least you could do is stick to the script."

“ I knew about Luthor, because I am Superman. I had an advantage no one else did, and I didn’t use it very wisely.
Yes, but Lois was his companion for many months. She had all the access that his most personal assistants coveted. And she squandered it all for a Benz convertible.

LOIS: Hey, there’s no documentation I ever slept with the creep!

Now every thug and his dog will be after you, to get Superman to do their bidding.”
Superman could spread the love around a bit. He's done with Lois and on the rebound.

And now we’ll never find out if we could love each other.”

“Now that you say it out loud - does my reasoning always sound that jumbled, or is that just because of my hangover?”
So adorable! Thanks for giving us the morning after clap Those questions on the Discord channel also mare much more sense now laugh

wave Michael

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I go by Michael on the Archives.