Yes indeed AnnieM! That is the question. Just how will you “overcome this distance between them”?

Obviously, if only they could fly. wink That would provide a resolution. But even that spectacular reveal offers only a short-term fix. A forever life together will require much more.

You have created two separate worlds that are each very appealing in their own way. Now that we’ve been introduced to this charming town of Smallville, Clark’s presence there seems essential. Likewise, it’s simply impossible to imagine the Daily Planet without Lois Lane.

I’ve noticed clues throughout the story from both Lois and Clark that suggest more than one satisfying outcome. As Terry said, we have two additional stories to look forward to after this one! So I think I will just enjoy the long journey ahead and trust that it will be good! Very good. notworthy

Thank you for writing this story and sharing it with us!