One of these days I’m going to write proper fdk on a proper computer, with quotes and those cute lil emoji things and all the rest. But alas, today is not that day and I’m again typing this on my phone in the dark, hoping the light doesn’t wake my husband up and waiting for the baby to cry because I am actually doing something for myself for a minute, lol.

Annnnyyyyway, back to the reason I’m here - I so loved this part! I loved the last part, too, but I didn’t have a chance to leave any fdk, so this’ll have to count for both parts! I loved that she gave up a sure front page assignment just to talk to him… she’s getting in deeper and she doesn’t even know it yet! I was so excited about Clark stopping by metropolis on his way out of the country that it did not even occur to me that he was making that up because, duh, he can fly there without an airplane… I was way too caught up in the fact that they were going to see each other again.

Adores Martha in this part - you guys write her so well! I can hear the excitement in her voice and catch the twinkle in her eye when she talks to Clark about Lois. I can also hear Jonathan’s concern, more S1 because there is no Superman yet to hide Clark’s powers. Will something happen while he’s in metropolis where he’ll have to rescue someone (maybe Lois?)? Will she still give him the idea to be Superman, even though they aren’t working together (yet?)

And finally, the reunion we’ve all been waiting for… boy, was it perfectly written. My heart was in my throat and my eyes were devouring the lines in the page as fast as they could! It was the right amount of awkward and shy, with that hint of longing from both of them. I love thT she reached out and hugged him first! Are we going to get any of Lois’s pov in the next part about what she thought when she saw him again? I’m dying to know!

I was giggling at the fact that Lois’s city driving apparently is the same in any universe, lol. Cute addition of the “farm boy” line, too! I did not see the Allie Dinello sports Italian place coming - was all that info from the S1 ep with the boxers and Sam Lane? It has been so many years since I’ve seen that ep that it’s a little fuzzy. I do remember the line about Lois having forgotten more about sports than he ever knew - that’s from the ep, right?

The scene at Met tower and their conversation was also really well done. I loved the line about how they both had different responsibilities but struggles under the same weight. That’s them in a nutshell and what makes them work so well together. Aww. I love them. And cuddling under the stars overlooking the city, and it’s only their first evening together?? I’ll take more of that, please!

So looking forward to seeing what comes next… especially interested what’s going on in Lois’s head! Can’t wait for the next part!