Hi Barbara,

Wow. That's quite a mouthful for an adult, much less a child. Whatever possessed the adult(s) to choose a sketch involving a word like that? I'm impressed that you can remember, much less spell, that word all these years later.

And there is a bit of irony that after all of that, you did made a career in the medical field.

So far, so good for me today. I have no reason to expect otherwise. (I am neither triskaidekaphobic nor frigophobic.)

As an aside -- I don't know whether it is this way in other parts of the world, but in the U.S., at least, triskaidekaphobia was at least at one time common enough that tall buildings go right from the twelfth to the fourteenth floors. When I first learned of this as a child, my reaction was twofold:

1) Who are they trying to kid? Everyone knows that what they are labelling as the fourteenth floor is really the thirteenth.
2) Really?! Are enough adults really so superstitious that they would do this?

To be honest, my reaction hasn't changed much over the decades.

Thanks for the feedback.
