Blueowl, this has to be some of your best work yet!

From the prologue to the lowering of the curtain in the last chapter, Act I fully captured my attention! The universe you created, although familiar, was similarly new and inimitable; compelling me to enter and participate both mentally and emotionally. Some scene descriptions felt so real--up close and personal; like Superman’s flight back to earth after Nightfall. I was spellbound by the description of the accident involving the young boy, Luke. And then later, the letter written to Superman by his sister just further enhanced the breadth of this account.

The detail and depth of characterization of your secondary players conveys a deeper dimension to the story, creating a more interesting world with multifaceted plots and colors -- Something that was notably missing from the television series. It also serves to improve the scope of the core characters. For example, Eleanor Lonham, one of my favorites, actually generates more respect and appreciation for Lois Lane.

I found the story to be very entertaining and very satisfying. Looking forward to the next ACT. Thanks for sharing your work!