I like the idea of that challenge, but I'm not so sure I could participate any more. My strongest language other than English is American Sign Language, and even that is rusty at best. But if someone else were to write in French, I would at least dig out my old French-English dictionary and try to understand it. Keep in mind that it has been decades since I have even attempted to communicate in any spoken languages other than English.. I fear I have almost devolved into the punch line of the old joke:

What do you call someone who speaks three languages?
What do you call someone who speaks two languages?
What do you call someone who speaks one language?

I'm not quite at the monolingual stage yet, but I'm closer to it than I ever have been since my early teenage years.

But by all means, do post the challenge. And I hope people who are more fluent than I in other languages do participate. Who knows? We might get posts from creative individuals who write well in their own languages but feel nervous about trying to write in English. Anything that results in more L&C fanfic is a good thing. smile
