Actually, I was just thinking about the blood and meat. But whenever I think about a blood sausage, the pupppets automatically come to mind. The puppets are part of a traditional theater. All characters use the local dialect. There are several plays throughout the year, but during carnival, there is a special. The puppets have their own carnival, there are singers who perform or people who tell funny stories. Some famous people appear (as puppets), most of them already dead in real life. I believe that even Donald Trump was on stage, once. Of course, they're making fun of him.
Whenever one of the puppets has performed a song or made jokes, they're rewarded with the blood sausage. But they never get to keep their reward.
Maybe that's because in German, if you give someone a medal or a reward, the verb we use is "verleihen". That translates to "to lent".

That's the running gag through the carnival show. Each guest gets the sausage, only to have it taken away again. The character taking care of the sausage (which is supposed to be used since 1802) brings it back to the moderator of the show (the president), exclaiming "Herr Präsident, die Woosch" (Mr. President, the sausage). Since he stutters badly and can't pronounce the "p" without spitting all over the place, that's usually ending as a shower for the moderator.

It's never too dark to be cool. cool