The memories I have of KenJ started in May 2012. He sent a PM to me with a question about one of my stories. From there the conversation continued until a month before his death.

KenJ was a very intelligent and interesting man. Our email conversations ranged from neurotoxins to the proper way to disarm an opponent to the way to debug a computer from a rather nasty virus. Whew! He made me laugh with wry observations about me always including delightful meals when Lois and Clark got together for a date. Some of those discussions became pretty intense because each writer has a different way to present a character. I learned a lot from those conversations.

He loved writing about Lois and Clark! Many a time he would send over a chapter of a new story for me to beta. At the end of each email he would say, "Just in time for lunch!" His Matchmaker series was intricate and long, but I got a hoot out of reading it. Especially during long flights. As soon as the plane touched down or the boat docked I would PM him to say thanks for the enjoyable read.

Although we never met I will always think of him as a close friend. As Labrat mentioned, he was a quiet and gentle force on the boards and will be greatly missed. I have no doubt his able assistance helped a lot of us climb out of a deep plot hole.

He was a great help to me personally, especially when Ted had his heart attack a few years ago. He shared tips on proper exercise and diet which helped Ted get back on the road to health. Little things like that I will be eternally grateful for.

Good-bye Big Brother, I will work hard to write Lois and Clark stories that would make you proud.

Last edited by Morgana; 01/22/22 09:16 PM.


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.