Annie, this is an outstanding ending to an outstanding story. Not only is this entire narrative innovative and the basic premise wonderfully brilliant, you've relayed it to us with eloquence and restraint. Not once did I feel as if I was short-changed by the characters, nor did I ever feel as if the story bogged down with needless exposition. The pace was excellent, the way the backstory unfolded was marvelous, the explanation of how Clark became Lois' ex-husband was told with both grit and tenderness, and you kept my interest all the way through. I'm so glad that Lois realized that they were both responsible for the family imploding. I'm also very glad that not only have Lois and Clark forgiven each other, both have forgiven themselves. And they both have realized that all the pain and torment they experienced has played a huge part in making them the people they are at the end. I'm especially glad that Lois learned that she can't sweep bad stuff under the rug and forget it. That "divorce annulment" would never have worked. Mattie, for one, wouldn't have understood or accepted it. The wedding with Martha and the kids was beautiful. These people have truly earned their happy ending.
You're getting a Kerth nomination from me! And almost surely from a lot of other people. I will be pleased but unsurprised when you win.
Excellent work, Annie. It has been rewarding to your readers as well as to yourself. Thank you for sharing your heart.