That was sad, Lynn, and a little chilling. But it was also a poignant completion of a cycle. Parents must release their children into the world, and the children must, in turn, release their parents into the next world.

The Wikipedia article discusses suicide as a possible contributor to the Birthday Effect (though it isn't proven, not by a long shot), and I would encourage anyone whose mind flits to suicide as a solution to the problems one currently faces to ask for help. There is no shame in seeing a doctor when our bodies are unwell. One should feel no shame in seeking help when our minds are unwell either. I promise you from personal experience that while suicide might seem to be a solution, all it does is multiply your problems and drop them on your loved ones like a load of wet cement.

Peace be to all, especially in this season when we celebrate the Prince of Peace.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing