Lynn is completely and absolutely correct. Presenting: The Phractyl MacroBat, an all-electric flying "car."

I think. Maybe it's a replacement for those personal jet packs we never got.

From the article:

We don't know exactly what it might do better than other more conventional eVTOL designs. We don't know if those bird legs are a remotely practical idea, nor the tracks beneath them, nor the "lean back and yee haw" takeoff routine, nor the "get the kids out of the way Gladys, I've got no idea where I'm going" landing procedure.

I gather from the slightly weird video that this - thing - is in the very early development stage. If you have a few minutes, I encourage you to watch the video. It's light on details and heavy on both promise and hype. Like the article's author, I'm not sure about this thing, but if the South Africans can make it work, it might revolutionize the transportation industry.

Or not.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing