You definitely grokked what I was attempting with this piece, although I had been hoping that the "fall foliage lover" interpretation would be more joyous and less creepy.

The idea for this experiment came when I was admiring the autumn leaves. The colours here were unusually bright this year, and at their peak all the trees I could see in the forest abutting my back yard were a blaze of gold. I was wishing that they would stay in such a magnificent state for more than a few days, and simply reveling in their glory. I realized that with a bit of tweaking of the wording, the positive thoughts I was having could equally be coming from a miserable miser looking at the precious metal.

It actually proved harder than I had anticipated to come up with something that could be read as either uplifting or misery-inducing. I was trying to come up with a verbal equivalent of one of the figure-ground optical illusions such as the one with the faces and the vase.

Thank you so much for leaving feedback again. I especially appreciate it for this particular piece, since your feedback helped reassure me that I was at least somewhat able to pull off the tightrope walk I was attempting.
