Originally Posted by L
Happy to see this third story!! The others were so incredible and hope all lis well with you.
Thanks L ^_^, and yeah, as good as they can be. My family is entering a new routine and we've received a number of answered prayers, so we're good.

Originally Posted by bakasi
Hi Blueowl,

I just managed to catch up on your story. I'm glad that Lois has finally met Clark without his disguise. I'm wondering how the two will get along. For the time being, poor Clark seems out of commission after his encounter with the sound weapon. I don't think I've ever seen that one used in a fic. But then, Wall of Sound is one of the largely underrepresented episodes within this fandom.

Eagerly waiting for more
Glad you caught up laugh And Wall of Sound is admittedly one of my favorite episodes. I often wondered why the government hadn't tried to use it on the bad Kryptonians....

Anyway! Next part is up: Structure