(Please forgive my rambling post. I'm just really in need of input on this help)

I was wondering if in the episode: Green, Green Glow of Home, does it ever say when the events take place? huh

If so, what are the dates of the corn festival?

In an attempt to work around my brain block on my story "A Dangerous Mind" wallbash, I was working on a scene where the corn festival takes place around one of my OC's birthday (Sept 20)

Will anyone be too put out with me if I make the Corn festival happen in September? peep wildguy

I realize that this seems like an odd question to ask. But I've written for fandoms before where the events of the episode are rigidly accepted to be set approximately around the original air date of the episode (and someone will get thoroughly flamed wildguy if suggestions are made for a different date). Other fandoms will allow for deviations from dates of events if the proposed date makes sense.

Here's my main reasoning behind the timeline shift:
Growing up in rural Indiana, I know most "crop festivals" typically happen around the first of the harvest. For corn, that would be around mid to late September. GGGoH originally aired on November 14 (my sis's b-day). Corn would have been harvested for several weeks by that time; as the last fields to be harvested are the ones holding corn mazes and those shut down after Halloween so the corn can be harvested before it completely rots.

Not all those who wander are lost.