Hey Everyone wave

Thank you so much for the wonderful feedback. I promise I was not ignoring you. I was just recovering from the Kerths. wink I appreciate everyone taking the time to read and comment on this one shot. Glad everyone liked it.

Originally Posted by Blueowl
I always love fics like this, showing a glimpse of how he could have done things differently ^_^

Hey Blueowl,

Yes, me too! I love the world of what if and seeing where I can take our favorite characters.

Originally Posted by Crazy_Babe
Love it!!

Aw, thanks Crazy_Babe!

Originally Posted by Penny_Lane
Wish Clark had demonstrated a bit more of this courage on the show! Well written. Very nice reveal.

/swoon/ I would have loved to have seen this kind of initiative from Clark. Thank you for reading and I'm glad you liked the reveal.

Originally Posted by Deadly Chakram
Aww! Very cute! That is going to be some dinner conversation! What a first date!

/rubs hands together/ You know that had to be some dinner conversation with him putting it all on the line like that, but at this point in their relationship they were friends and she'd already demonstrated she was trustworthy with keeping kryptonite a secret....A necessary change to hurry things along. Glad you liked the first date scene.

Originally Posted by Toomi8
Awwww.... what a sweet way to get Lois' attention. Wonder how that conversation would have continued. love
Hey Toomi8 wave

Thank you so much. I'm glad you liked this little twist.

Originally Posted by cuidadora
What a delightful tale, combining humor, a touch of mystery, romance, and fluff. Great diversion for what's going on in the world! Thanks for sharing.

Hey cuidadora, so glad you liked my little fluff piece.

Originally Posted by bakasi
What a nice reveal. I like your take on the challenge. Thank you for sharing

lol Thanks bakasi! So glad you liked this little twist on the challenge. Thanks for reading!

Originally Posted by L
I love this. Wonderful - perfectly n character too.

Hey L!

I haven't seen you in ages! :hug: Thanks for reading. I'm so glad you liked it.

~ Folc4evernaday

Jodi Picoult - You might not write well every day, but you can always edit a bad page. You can't edit a blank page.
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